Sunday 27 January 2008

Magnolia Paper Cast

Well I haven't posted for a few days, but I have been busy. I have sent some ATCs off for the Byhand Artists monthly ATC swap and I've been doing lots more cast paper. I just did my first one using a cast paper mold, but still using the toilet tissue instead of the usual rag paper slurry. I used coffee for spritzing the tissue again, love the colour and the smell. Rubber stamps and the plastic thingy I've been using work very well, but the cast paper mold was the easiest to use and the tissue just dropped into the cavity so nicely. I am pleased with this one, and it will be all dressed up in a project very soon.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, Joanne!! You are convincing me that I need to get around to trying this :-)) I even have some cast paper molds that I've used UTEE in before.

Mary-Beth said...

Joanne, it turned out so well. I too have that mold and loved how it turned out.

okanagan_spirit said...

Thanks Wanda and Mary-Beth. Wanda, I haven't done anything with UTEE but I am sure loving the cast paper.

Lindart said...

Beautiful!! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

Quietfire said...
